Wednesday, January 2, 2013


So on Sunday night Dec, 2nd we received a call that transfer would be on Tuesday, Dec. 4th!

I have been taking it easy, taking my progesterone gels each night, my folic acid and my prenatal vitamins.  The 4th was the day!!! So many emotions and I did end up being nervous, especially when I realized there was no anesthesia! I was laughing at myself in my head thinking this can't be bad wasn't, it was just like a pap smear...easy peasy right!

The transfer:
I got in a gown and waited my turn to be called back to the room, I walked back when it was my turn and hopped up on the exam table, put my legs in the holders and got ready! The doc came in we exchanged smiles and said ciao :) the same sweet nurses were there and the one was wearing another pair of dangly earrings again! The procedure was really fast they prepped me and said ok, then a woman (the embryologist, walked around the corner with a long tube looking thing...that's it, my babies are in there! The nurse had an ultrasound going pressing on my full bladder and watching the embryologist insert the embryos into my uterus :) they said wait a minute and they took a picture, handed it through the window to the embryologist and she said ok...that was it, I was done! I rolled onto a different bed and they wheeled me back to recovery! I laid their as long as I could, they said 30 minutes but I waited for them to come tell me which ended up being 40 minutes, I got up went to release my bladder and then I tried to lay back down, they laughed at me and told me to get dressed, we were done, Paula would come talk to me....I went out to Cliff, said ok we have to wait for Paula! Paula comes out, she gives me a kiss says ok go home, relax and take your progesterone, folic acid and prenatals then wait for your blood test, call us with the results!
I reclined my seat on the way home and it was snowing...a sign? Maybe! The temperature had dropped a lot from the time we had arrived at the clinic! We got home and I went to bed where I stayed for the next 72 hours!

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