Monday, May 20, 2013

Treatment costs

Our Payments throughout our treatment (all of the payments are in Euro):

08/8/2012 - Day 5 Follicle Count Ultrasound...50.00

20/10/2012 - 1st payment to Clinic, Paperwork for treatment...230.00

22/10/2012 - Vitamins: Inofolic Plus...27.50

23/10/2012 - Eco-cardiograph....150.00 

08/11/2012 - Vitamins: Inofolic Plus...27.50

18/11/2012 - Anesthesiologist....120.00
                      Ultrasound/blood work/Biologist....470.00      
27/11/2012 - Ovitrelle....27.00

29/11/2012 - Pick up (aka Egg Retrieval)....2,700.00

04/12/2012 - Transfer...1,370.00
10/12/2012 - 4 vaginal washes (that I ended up not needing)....52.00

Grand Total....5,490.50 Euro

We were very lucky to have the 38 vials of meropur given to us by the clinic, this medicine like I mentioned before is very expensive, about 200 Euro per box which has 12 vials in each box which could have been a two days worth supply. 
Alessandra was able to get us the Enantone to take on 18/11/2012 and the Ciproxin to take before and after pick up, she also gave us some syringes. Her being able to get us these medications saved us some money and we were very thankful. 
The Clinic also gave us some vitamins (for both Cliff and myselt) and some vaginal washes, which was also a huge help to us! 


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