Monday, November 19, 2012

Nov. 19, 2012 Starting Meds

Last night the Enantone intramuscular injection...hurt! Cliff was asking how it felt because he was saying it was really hard to push it all in and I replied with it hurt! My butt hurt last night after the injection, it hurt to sit, if anything touched it, it hurt in the bath and when I laid down, so I fell asleep on my left side! I also remember waking up some in the middle of the night and thinking ouch, that still hurts. This morning it does not hurt near as bad but is still a little tender. Glad that was a one time only shot!

Today we start the injections in my stomach...

Meropur 6 vials of 75 UI for a total of 450 UI (we combine 6 of the powders with 2 of the liquids in a big intramuscular syringe and change the needle out so it is only one shot in my stomach) Alessandra will help with this injection tonight because Cliff is not sure where to give it!

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