Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Nov. 20, 2012

Last night (11/19/12) the injection was not bad at all! I have a small bruise on the injection sight but it's not tender or anything and best of all I still feel like myself! (I am curious to see if/when I start feeling a little different with all the meds).

Last night (11/19/20) we also figured out that we took too much of the Enantone on the 18th and Cliff and I were both flipping out! We were mad at ourselves and irritated, both of us were to blame neither of us completely read the paper explaining the medication dosage well enough, we both thought we needed to take the entire vial when we only needed half. We got in contact with our doctor and he said it is ok, we just have to make sure we take the daily meropur as directed! You can bet your boots we had already said we have to triple check meds from now on! What a relief, we were so afraid we would have to be pushed back, that I wouldn't ovulate and that we completely screwed ourselves! We found out it was ok right before we were going to bed so it was beyond awesome to hear that we were ok and our mistake didn't hurt us! I had been fearing the medications for this reason! I was so afraid I would mess up on taking them! I guess we got a little lucky and it happened early on and won't effect our outcome! Whew!
While I was upset last night Cliff suggested that I read Job, I was questioning what we did to deserve some of this (yes our mistake turned out to be ok but still I get so confused that none of this has come easy for us)  I will start reading today!

Today we will take the same amount of meropur: 6 vials, 450 UI again we will mix the 6 powder vials with 2 of the liquids into an intramuscular syringe then once mixed we will change the needle to a smaller needle and  give the injection into my stomach...Cliff will be my doctor tonight and administer my injection! 

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