Monday, November 26, 2012

Exciting times

Tonight I was waiting for the call on how much meds to take tonight, when I received the call we got good news...

Tonight 11/ 26 I take 2 vials of meropur 

Tomorrow I won't take any medicine but I will go pick up the ovitrelle injection (this one is pre-made and has to stay in the refrigerator) I have to take 2/3rds of the ovitrelle at 0415 Wednesday morning. This is very important, it has to be 36 hours before the pick up!  
Wednesday evening I will take one antibiotic pill and another one Thursday morning. 

Thursday is PICK UP day!!!! We will go to a different clinic than we have been going to (no big deal) we have to be there at 1500. I can't eat 6 hours prior to pick up and 2 hours before I can't drink. I am not suppose to wear make up or jewelry, I have to bring my own pajamas and slippers for comfort after the procedure and I will have to wait there for a short time. 

We are so excited and a little nervous to see how many eggs (follicles) we will get! We feel like things are going good because we didn't expect pick up to be until around the we feel like maybe I have a good amount, we pray I have produced a good amount of follicles and healthy ones! 

I just spoke to my Mom and sister, both are excited! Mom kept telling me this will work and that I have to have the right "I am" meaning I have to say yes, I am going to be pregnant soon! She was telling me how she heard that in a sermon a while back and it really stuck to her..."you have to have the right I am", very appropriate right now! I agree, I need the right attitude and I definitely have faith but I feel like I don't want to set myself up for disappointment! Thank you Lord for all of the positive people surrounding me and keeping me thinking positive! This will all be good! The outcome will be good...the doctors seem very positive and knowledgeable, I have faith that they will work all their magic and make this successful! Now we wait to see how many follicles we get on Thursday! I guess here comes the real nail biting time...keep praying for calmness to surround us!

Other good news...We're going to have another nephew!!! That's right my sister is having another boy! Clayton will be a big brother to a sweet little boy! God is good!

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